Signing up for My Weeds™
To use My Weeds™ you need to have an active account and be logged in
To open a new account you need to Sign Up
It is quick and easy - all you need to enter is your email address, name, country and occupation and then you are logged in and ready to go!
Searching for weeds
Two simple and easy ways to find weed species
Use Photo Gallery where you can select as many or as few search criteria as you like
Look up Scientific Names in A-Z list
My Weeds™ library
When you find a species that you want to add to your My Weeds™ library all you have to do is click on + My Weeds and that is it (you can add your notes at the same time or do it later)
Kenzie is a student from Oklahoma in the United States who is specializing in forage production and her weed science studies focus on managing weeds in Alfalfa crops
See how Kenzie used My Weeds™ and what she had to say …