Momordica charantia 

Anual Trepadeira
Nativa da África, Ásia, Austrália

Onde é Weed

América do Norte

Weed Science Society of America (2010) - Composite List of Weeds

Caribe (1998) - Common Weeds of the Caribbean

América Central

Portal Nacional sobre Diversidad Biologica en Guatemala

América do Sul

Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network


CABI - Invasive Species Compendium

África Oriental & Ocidental

AFROweeds - African Weeds of Rice

África do Sul

I.A.W. MacDonald (2003) - Invasive Alien Species in Southern Africa

Ásia Oriental

S.H. Wu et al (2010)

Sudeste Asiático

Knowledge Management Center on Tropical Biology (2016)

Médio Oriente

CABI - Invasive Species Compendium


QLD Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry

Ilhas do Pacífico

Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)

Oceano Índico

Plants of the World Online